Game Name : Disciples 2 : Galleans Return System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-12 18:03:46 Views : 21484
Cheat Codes
On the World map, hit Enter to call up the Message Screen, and then type the following codes :
Code - Effect
moneyfornothing - 9999 of each type of mana, 9999 gold
letsdothetimewarpagain - Advance the clock one day
invisibletouch - All units have invisibility cast on them
stairwaytoheaven - All units level up immediately - but leader cannot be later exported ...
jump - All units will level up after their next combat
anotherbrickinthewall - Allows one more building to be constructed that turn
herecomesthesun - Dispels all the Fog of War
help! - Heals all YOUR units in parties and cities
cometogether - Instant alliance with all other players
givepeaceachance - Instant peace with all other players
badtothebone - Instant revert to war with all players
loser - Instantly lose the level
wearethechampions - Instantly win the level
allalongthewatchtower - Places spies with all enemies.
paintitblack - Replenishes all the Fog of War
borntorun - Replenishes all YOUR units movement points for the turn
lifeisacarnival - Revives any dead units in parties